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Download Discworld 2 For Mac

Terry Pratchett books are one of the few things in life that you can strike up a conversation with anyone about. Imagine the scenario: youre down the pub with some people that you dont know very well, and the most terrible thing in the world has happened. The conversation has dried up and someone has already used the current favourite: Have you seen Pulp Fiction yet?. Horror scenario. What do you talk about? Have you read the new Pratchett book? is certainly something that has potential. There are few authors (especially British) who command such widespread appeal and chances are everyone has a strong opinion about Pratchetts work.

Download full Discworld: Download (20.3 MB) Decoder fix (51 KB) Download (103 MB) Download - Easy Setup (154 MB) Discworld screenshots: With Monty Python and the Flying Circus' Eric Idle lending his voice to the lead character, Discworld is a humorous third-person graphic adventure featuring locations and characters based on Terry Pratchett's. Discworld's graphics and sound are extraordinary, with everything being easy to control. No fast or precise 'hit the button now' actions are required by the player. This lets you just sit back and enjoy everything this title has to offer. Discworld is not the type of.

To say that the officially approved game based on the Discworld series is one of the most eagerly anticipated adventure games since Monkey Island 2 would probably be an understatement. There are people who are quite literally drooling at the prospect but, unfortunately, there are also fears about how close the game will be to the books. What if the developers do a Lord of the Rings on us and produce something that doesnt match our expectations? What if the characters dont look or act the way we expect them to? Wouldnt that be awful?

Jan 17, 2016. Mar 10, 2016. Discworld 2 would own my other soul, if I had one. This game follows the standard advice that, if there is nothing wrong with the game, don't change anything. And the developers are spot on. The characters are the same, the voice actors are the same (again, Monty Python's Eric Idle is absolutely fantastic!) and the absurdity and hilarity of the. Mac Discworld 2: There are no plans to produce Mac Discworld 2 at the time of writing, though Perfect told me it wouldn't be that hard to convert. Apparently, Mac Discworld 1 sold relatively few copies compared to Discworld on other formats. The theme was available from the Download section of Perfect Entertainment's web page. However, the. Jul 31, 2019.

Fortunately, thanks to the intervention of Mr P himself, the chances of this being the case are pretty remote. Having spent considerable time with the game, I can safely say that this is one of the best adaptations of a work of fiction I have ever come across.

All the characters behave in a way that I'd expect them to (and I've read a fair number of Pratchett books in my time) and even the voices seem spot on.

Its a big one

It was a foregone conclusion that it was going to be a point and click adventure. What else could capture the spirit and style of the Discworld environment? Teeny Weeny Games has worked hard creating an accurate representation of the world and all its inhabitants. Working with Terry and collaborator Stephen Briggs (the chap who assisted with the recently published Discworld Companion), the team have created something which not only captures the essence of the description found in the books, but also manages to blend it with an artistic style that is not dissimilar to the excellent Josh Kirby artwork used on the book covers (and the cover of this issue).

As far as scale goes, this certainly appears to be a biggie. The guys at Teeny Weeny swear blind that it will take more than 100 hours to complete and, as far as numbers of locations and puzzles go, its about three times the size of a typical LucasArts game. So, if you finished Day Of The Tentacle reasonably quickly, this ones for you. Couple this sheer immensity with the fact that it has some absolutely blinding puzzles, and Im sure that an average player will find that 100 hours is a pretty conservative estimate.

While Im on the subject of puzzles, I feel that this is something worth dwelling on for a while. You know that really satisfied feeling you get when youve sussed a sequence of problems and you finally achieve something? Well, Discworld is so chock-full of Puzzle sequences that you seem to have that sense of satisfaction throughout most of the game. I don't want to give too much away, but the gameplay structure is not only very involving, but its also inspired. There are puzzles and sequences mercilessly pinched from all manner of sources, including a particularly amusing Indiana Jones scene - I wont spoil things by telling you what is involved, but the effects are hilarious. Download any online video mac. The overall feel of the game gives you the impression of having a purpose pretty much all the time. Theres very little meandering around doing nothing.

Puzzle sequences in many adventures are simply a case of performing a certain action with a particular object to create the desired effect. But a typical puzzle sequence in Discworld is quite different, demanding a series of events to take place which, in turn, develop the players situation within a scenario. Only once all the elements are in place can you achieve your goal. In effect, many of the larger puzzles are almost like mini quests which involve a series of simple, less important puzzles to be solved. The net result is that you always feel as though you are working towards something.

The story of the game is divided into three separate acts which all involve our heroes, Rincewind and the ever-present luggage, with a central theme running throughout the entire game. The basic idea is that a dragon has been set loose (remember, dragons only exist if you believe in them - a vitally important theme in the game) and Rincewind has to get rid of it. Obviously, its not that simple, but without completely ruining the whole plot, thats about as much as I can tell you.

The control system

One of the biggest problems weve had with British-developed adventures over the years is that, more often than not, they pale into insignificance next to the stuff that comes from LucasArts. One of the main reasons for this is that Lucas has scumm, itsintelligent user interface, which the rest of the world is still trying to match while not obviously copying it. Fortunately, things are changing and the system developed for Discworld is one of the best interfaces Ive come across, rivalling even the superb system that appeared in Sam & Max.

Apart from the fact that the game employs a superb intelligent cursor which dispenses with the tedious process of trying to interact with things that dont want to be interacted with, it also makes use of a unique windowing system. Whereas most games either have your inventory on screen at all times (Monkey Island) or as a separate screen (Sam & Max, Gabriel Knight), Discworld employs a unique window which pops up whenever you click on either Rincewind or the luggage. This window can be moved anywhere on screen and can also be resized to anything from full-screen to teeny weeny (ahem.. sorry). Objects can then simply be picked up from the inventory and dragged into the main playing area in true Windows style. After spending some time with this system, youll wonder why no-one has ever thought of it before.

The dawn of the talkie

The initial launch of Discworld will be on CD as opposed to floppy, which is understandable when you consider the amount of production work that has gone into the project. While the game is one of the best point-and-click adventures as a standalone product, it really comes into its own when you hear the sound.

Its no secret that Psygnosis and Teeny Weeny have invested an awful lot of time and money in creating one of the best aural experiences so far in a computer game. And when you consider some of the talent used, its obvious that this is going to be something special. With ex-Monty Python and all-round good egg Eric Idle playing the part of Rincewind the wizard and the remaining 77 characters all acted by voice talents like Kate Robbins (of Spitting Image fame), Rob Brydon (one of the UKs hottest up-and-coming voice talents) along with Tony Robinson and Jon Pertwee, its safe to say that this is an extremely professional sounding project. While previous talkie games have been of a good quality - although many of them have sounded simply like a bunch of people sitting around talking along to a game-Discworld is different. The quality of the voices and the talent of the actors used has produced something more akin to a radio play rather than a simple voice-over for a game. The variety of characterisations and the wit with which the characters are played are truly superb.

But is it really Discworld?

Okay, so the production is fantastic and its a bloody good adventure game, but does it really capture the spirit of the books?People will buy it on its strengths as a game, but chances are there are more people who will want it simply because its a Pratchett game.

To be frank, I must admit that theyve done a bloody good job Pratchett-wise. The humour is in style, the use of voice is inspired and, most importantly, the game draws inspiration from the whole series of books. All the locations youve read about are there, as are most of the characters and many of the situations. Its definitely one of those games that has you jumping up and down and going Ooh, ooh, yes.. thats that bit from.. er, you know.. Many of the scenarios are recognisable, but situations arent duplicated from the books. Thankfully, there are very few moments in the game where just a sound knowledge of the novels will see you through. Teeny Weeny hasnt fallen into that trap.

The end bit..

Its not often that a game comes along that is brilliantly scripted, well executed and superbly produced. Discworld is such a game. The artwork throughout is of an extremely high quality, the characters are all drawn in a convincing cartoon style (in places they are reminiscent of the characters from Asterix) and the voice acting is brilliant.

To be honest, I cant really find many faults with this game. Obviously, if you dont like Pratchett, you wont really be into the humour, but if you dont at least snigger at some of the gags, you either dont have a sense of humour or have recently died.The overall quality of this is almost certainly down to the fact that such a wide range of talent has been employed. The project has been overseen by Terry Pratchett himself. Teeny Weeny has made use of its best artists, musicians and v programmers, and the actors used are all seasoned professionals. Not only is this a superb game in its own right, but it will be something to which future talkie-adventures will be compared.

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  1. Discworld II: Mortality Bytes!
4.57 / 5 - 23 votes

Description of Discworld II: Mortality Bytes!

Discworld II: Mortality Bytes! (aka Mundodisco II: ¿Presuntamente Desaparecido?, Discworld II: Vermutlich vermisst..!?, Discworld II: Missing presumed..!?, Discworld 2: Mortellement Votre), a really nice adventure game sold in 1996 for DOS, is available and ready to be played again! Time to play a fantasy, licensed title, graphic adventure and puzzle elements video game title.

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Comments and reviews

eitak2020-05-26-1 point

I feel so dumb, I have absolutely no idea how to install it.

Emu2019-09-022 points

List Of Discworld Novels

How to use the patch? Unpack it into the same folder?

JESSICA Brennan2019-07-271 point

does not work says u need a disc

javojtazak2019-07-10-1 point

I launch the iso, pressed the Install.. and nothing happened :( Any ideas?

Amon2018-09-260 point

Before i download:
Is this game with German Voices ?

Ste2017-09-24-8 points

I can't get it to run because it tells me that I need the CD. How do I get round that?

CarpetFish2017-06-251 point

Best game ever and best song!!!!!

tibbletoad2015-06-121 point DOS version

how do i get the game to work , when i try to install the game or do anything the game wont do anything

admin2015-03-254 points DOS version

Play Discworld Online

You're right, the archive was corrupted. I updated it and added a rip version.

Green2015-03-241 point DOS version

I am having the same problem. It seems that the archive is corrupt.

elmerenges2015-03-230 point DOS version

I can't open the downloaded zip. It's says It can't be opened as an archive.

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